Jesus Christ.
He can’t be misogynistic either, I suppose because he dated a lot of women?
Did you read the part of the article that talked about Trump’s assumption that Americans who are Jews have some sort of dual loyalty? I suggest you Re-read this article.
I’m so damn tired of this argument that if you donate or unwaveringly support Israel you couldn’t posssssibly be anti-Semitic. Or the converse: if you don’t support Israel in always at all times you are anti-Semitic. It’a nonsense.
The mere idea that Trump is using the “negotiation” stereotype in and to a Jewish audience is racist. The same way that you talking about black people being inherently, genetically pre-disposed to be good at basketball is racist.
Do you know why Jews are heavily in banking and finance? Because for eons, banking wasn’t considered as impressive as trades like carpentry. So hateful people/societies locked Jews out of carpentry and forced them into banking. Generations later, here we are.
Did you know that in my lifetime, basketball shifted from majority white players to majority black? In my lifetime. Why? In part because so many black families pushed their kids drive that skill as a way to gain scholarships. It was/is a way out of poverty for a community that has historically had little options for breaking the poverty cycle.
Is there a generic component to being good at finance (math) or sports (strength). Of course there is. Tall people are better at basketball because that’s how the game works. Are the math inclined better at banking? Sure!
But the idea that black people are inherently, genetically better at playing basketball is a racist idea. That’s why plenty of great white players have existed. Why great Asian players exist. There isn’t a basketball gene, FFS. And thinking there is is a racist idea.