Caleb —
I understand HOW you got to that summary. Every group and every leader of social movements have to deal with the conservative desire to downplay and delegitimize those movements. It’s part of the process.
I understand WHY you got to that summary. You consume too much conservative media who are going out of their way to manipulate you for their own gain.
I understand WHAT you are saying. It’s just bullshit. You (and conservatives en masse) talk about BLM (and “antifa”) as a single monolithic borg, moving in lock step to reek havoc across the land while earning tons of money. You have no proof of this, of course. Other than the latest Breitbart article or the latest OAN clip. You use terms like Marxist and socialists in ways that simply aren’t real.
I also understand that your pseudo-intellectualism against people and cause you don’t like feels goooood. It’s fun to look down on others, to disparage rather than look inward. It’s fun to point at “the kids” or us fools who seek equality and laugh and call names. It’s fun, right? It’s certainly a lot easier than listening and understanding, looking inwards, considering the arguments.
It’s easier to look at protests and call them riots by thugs. It’s easier to call POC “looters” and white kids “revelers”.
And it’s easy to ignore every word of my comment and just call me a hippie or liberal snowflake or Marxist or clueless privileged asshole.
But when has the “easy” option ever been the best long term outcome?