As so many others have said, I’m not clear what the problem is. Whether your writing or your overall attitude, I’m lost.
But whatever the answer, if I was your husband and I read this public declaration of how terrible I am, I’d personally be pretty damn pissed. In the therapist language of “does this make you feel closer or further apart?” this would make me feel very, very far apart.
Is the point of this article a passive aggressive means of getting his attention?
Are you two actually talking about your unclear resentments?
Are you seeing a professional
Who can help you through this clear strained relationship?
You see a man who gets to live a life you want.
I see a woman who isn’t Properly communicating needs, a man working hard to do the best he can, and a couple missing each other in the night.
Stop looking to place blame at his feet because you aren’t just saying “no, stop talking, I just want to vent” or “you take the kids tonight, I’m going for a walk”.