And this is why, in the Words of Aaron Sorkin, Democrats lose so goddamn always…
In the face of the biggest threat to American democracy since the start of American democracy, I’ll take any way I can get to put legit wins on the board. If that’s from former “Rivals”, so be it. The American revolutionaries aligned with France at a time when France wasn’t exactly our best example of democracy. But it was our best hope at establishing a nation that could be a democratic nation. And look at where the two nations are today.
I am no fan of Rick Wilson. I don’t understand how George Conway can remain married to Kellyanne Conway and talk openly with a straight face about opposing Trump. Steve Schmidt is one of the biggest reasons we are in this mess having brought us Sarah Palin. Regardless, they are doing good things to help us address a shared threat. So how about we accept the goddamn win?
And make no mistake, that threat is huge, that threat is real, and that threat will destroy us all. Now is the time for us all to rally together to remove that threat. Once the threat has passed we can sort out who our long-term bedfellows are. We can sort out how to push Rick Wilson or Steve Schmidt out of influence spheres in a new administration. But in the meantime let’s stay focused, eh?
I’d really prefer to win, and then sort out what comes next… Because I’m really tired of losing so goddamn always.